CEO Search

Board Director Search & Selection

We have unmatched experience filling positions on public, private and non-profit boards, as well as building boards for public company spin-offs and emerging growth companies.

CEO Search & Selection

Imag Partners  is equally experienced in working with boards to deliver timely and effective solutions in cases of sudden or unexpected CEO vacancies. As corporate leadership becomes more difficult and complex, we have seen the rate of CEO failure and turnover increase to its highest historical level, putting the search process under increasing scrutiny from multiple external audiences, including the media and shareholder interest groups.

CEO Succession Planning & Assessment

CEO succession planning is one of the most important obligations of corporate boards. However, research indicates that a majority of boards do not devote sufficient time to the process. When boards undertake a comprehensive, objective and on-going succession planning process, it is not only good governance; it becomes a significant part of protecting and increasing future shareholder value.